
  • Move around with WASD
  • Aim with the mouse and click to shoot

UCI Proto Game Jam Submission - Trick or Treat Theme

It is Halloween night and we see our protagonist John reclined on his couch enjoying some candy. John grows more tired and loopy from the candy and that's when he hears a knock at his door. John answers the door and is shocked to find a bunch of monsters at his door groaning the word "candy". The monsters try shoving their way into the house to take the candy, but John has other plans. John grabs a hold of his trusty shotgun and is determined to defend his candy stash with his life.

Play as John in this top-down, 2D shooter and survive the waves of monsters trying to break into your house and steal your candy. Choose between different abilities after each wave to increase your odds of keeping the monsters hands off of your candy.


Trevor Vahan - Programmer, UI/UX, Gameplay Designer

Daniel Boghossian - Programmer, UI/UX, Audio Designer

Hasan (Soni) Rakipi - Artist

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